Vegan Galician Empanada Recipe

Although it is known that authentic Galician empanadas have tuna as the main ingredient, in this vegan recipe the name is maintained since instead of using tuna, Galician algae have been used, which give it a unique sea flavor. The vegan Galician empanada is a delicious and nutritious option that you can surely include in your diet.

Ingredients to make Vegan Galician Empanada:

  • 2 units of Onion
  • 1 unit of red pepper
  • 1 unit of green pepper
  • 1 garlic clove (optional)
  • 25 grams of sea spaghetti seaweed
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 pinch of dried thyme
  • 1 dessert spoon of chopped parsley
  • 1 package of vegan short crust pastry
  • ½ cup of breadcrumbs

How to make Vegan Galician Empanada:

  • To get started with this easy vegan recipe, the first step is to prepare the ingredients. Julienne the onion and dice the peppers. If you want to add garlic to the preparation also finely chop it.
  • Sauté the vegetables in oil that is not too hot and once they have softened, add the Galician algae without soaking. The vegetables should be moist to hydrate the algae, but make sure there is no excess liquid at the bottom of the pan.
  • Season the filling for the vegan Galician empanada to taste with pepper, thyme and parsley. Be careful with the salt, as the seaweed is already salty. Let stand until it reaches room temperature.
  • Separately, place a piece of dough in a circular mold, lightly greased with oil, and sprinkle the breadcrumbs to prevent the vegan filling from soaking the dough.
  • Place the filling, spreading evenly on all sides and then cover the Galician empanada with another disc of dough.
  • Finally, take the vegan Galician empanada to the oven at high temperature until the dough is golden. All that remains is to enjoy this wonderful, healthy and nutritious dish during lunch or dinner.

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