Vegan Ceviche Recipe

Ceviche is a dish composed mainly of marinated fish or shellfish meat, typical of many Latin American countries on the Pacific coast. There are many versions depending on the country or region, but all consist of dressing and marinating the product in acid from citrus fruits, such as lemon, lime or orange.

This recipe that I have prepared is a vegan version of the original recipe, so if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet you can also enjoy this delicious dish. For its preparation, I have used “fish” made from ingredients of plant origin. In our profile you will find the complete step-by-step recipe for sweet potato-based fish slices with nori seaweed that you can use for this recipe. However, you can replace it with mushrooms or carrot slices, for example, to prepare a vegan ceviche. The other ingredients of this vegan ceviche are the same as in the traditional recipe: onion, garlic, and cilantro. In addition, to enhance the flavor I have made the so-called tiger milk to marinate the vegetable fish and onion. It is a dressing made with lemon juice, coriander, nori seaweed instead of fish, garlic, onion and ginger that will provide an exquisite flavor and aroma to the dish. Read on to find out how to make vegan ceviche.

Ingredients to make vegan ceviche:

  • 3 slices of vegetable fish
  • 1 red onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of coriander
  • juice of 5 lemons
  • a piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 sheet of nori seaweed
  • 1/2 red bell pepper

How to make vegan ceviche:

Cut the vegetable fish slices into medium cubes and put them in a bowl. Cut the onion and remove the central part. Julienne the rest of the onion and place it in the bowl with the vegetable fish. To prepare your own fish, consult the vegan fish recipe that you will find on my profile. Place the core of the onion in the blender along with half a sheet of nori seaweed, 3/4 bunch of coriander, 3 cloves of garlic, peeled ginger, salt and lemon juice.

Blend the contents of the blender for several minutes, then let the mixture sit for 20-30 minutes. After the resting time, strain the mixture and reserve the liquid. In this way we obtain the tiger’s milk to marinate the vegan ceviche. Pour the leche de Tigre into the bowl, mix well and let stand for about 20 minutes.

Add to the bowl with the vegetable fish and the onion a clove of crushed garlic, a quarter of a bunch of chopped coriander, the other half of the nori seaweed cut into pieces with scissors and the red pepper cut into strips. Serve the vegan ceviche recipe and enjoy! An easy, fast, nutritious and healthy dish, ideal to cool off when it’s hot or for a quick dinner.

How to make vegan mango ceviche

We have learned how to prepare the basic vegan ceviche recipe, but can we add more ingredients to obtain other variants? Of course yes! To make the vegan mango ceviche, we simply have to peel a mango, cut it into cubes and mix it with the rest of the ingredients, it’s that simple! By introducing vegan fish, the result is a Peruvian vegan ceviche very similar to the original.

On the other hand, as we said at the beginning of the recipe, it is also possible to make a vegan mushroom ceviche by cutting about three mushrooms into cubes and adding them to the mixture without having to cook them first. Of course, they must be washed thoroughly first.

Recommendations when making vegan ceviche

If you plan to take the vegan ceviche to a picnic, to the beach, to work or anywhere else, we recommend that you do not add the lemon juice or the leche de Tigre until the moment you eat it to prevent the ingredients from becoming too watery. Likewise, we recommend serving this preparation on large lettuce leaves or on flour tortillas, since the combination is exquisite.

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