Vegan Brownie Recipe

The brownie is one of the easiest and fastest vegan recipes to prepare. By substituting a couple of ingredients from the traditional recipe we can get a fluffy, sweet and much healthier vegan brownie. Why is vegan brownie healthier? First of all, this recipe eliminates butter, a dairy derivative that is loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol. It also replaces the egg, which despite being rich in protein, has a high cholesterol content.

If you want to get an even healthier version of your vegan dessert, you can try preparing your vegan brownie without sugar. We have used splenda, a natural sweetener much healthier than sugar, but you can do without any sweetener in this recipe. It won’t taste as sweet, but you’ll still get a delicious dessert.

This version of the traditional chocolate brownie is made with oatmeal, although you can select one from a special crop to make it gluten-free. Oats have a protein whose structure is very similar to that of gluten, so it is possible that it causes intolerance. However, there are many gluten-free oatmeal options on the market today. Keep reading this recipe to discover how to make vegan brownies in a quick and easy way. We tell you in this article!

Ingredients to make Vegan Brownie:

  • 5 tablespoons of oat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 glass of soy or almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon chemical yeast (baking powder)
  • 1 handful of walnuts
  • 1 handful of dried cranberries
  • 1 dessert spoon of splenda or stevia
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence

How to make Vegan Brownie:

  1. In a container, add the previously sifted oat flour and the baking powder or chemical yeast.
  2. Add the cocoa powderand stir well to integrate the dry ingredients.
  3. Add olive oil, soy milk and vanilla essence. Mix vigorously until all the ingredients are integrated and you get your vegan brownie batter.
  4. Tip: there are also other variations such as the vegan brownie with banana. This would be the time to add a sliced ​​banana to the batter.
  5. Place the dough in an oven-safe mold and decorate the vegan brownie with the walnuts and blueberries to your liking. Bake it at 170ºC for 20 minutes.
  6. You can also prepare your vegan brownie in the microwave. 2 minutes at full power would be enough. This will depend on each microwave, as in some it may take a little longer, so keep an eye on it.
  7. Likewise, you can take advantage and, instead of using a mold, prepare your vegan brownie in a cup.
  8. It’s ready! As you can see, it is an easy, fluffy and delicious vegan brownie, which has nothing to envy to the recipe with eggs and butter!


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