Vegan Breaded Steaks Recipe

Vegan breaded fillets are a very simple preparation that you can make and reserve for when you feel like it because, as you will see in the recipe, we are going to pre-cook these vegan fillets, so you can cook them a second time and use them when you prefer.

Learn how to make these textured soy steaks like veggie burgers.

Ingredients to make Vegan Breaded Steaks:

  • ½ cup fine textured soybeans
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ½ onion
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat gluten
  • 2 teaspoons of Vera smoked paprika
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup vegetable broth
  • 1 cup of chickpea flour
  • ¾ cup of water (180 milliliters)
  • ½ cup of breadcrumbs
  • 1 tablespoon of oil

How to make Vegan Breaded Steaks:

1.Soak the textured soybeans in warm water or vegetable broth for 15-20 minutes. Drain the soy well, squeezing with your hand to remove excess liquid.

2.Peel the carrot and cut it into not very large pieces, also cut the onion into medium pieces.

3.Place the textured soybeans, the carrot, the onion and the garlic in the blender and blend everything until a fine and homogeneous mixture remains.

4.Transfer the mixture to a bowl and add the wheat gluten, smoked paprika, pepper, salt and vegetable broth. Knead with your hands until you obtain dense and non-sticky dough for vegetarian fillets. Add more wheat gluten if needed.

5.Separate the dough into equal portions (the amount of dough will give for 2-3 fillets). Place each portion on a piece of aluminum foil and flatten with your hands, shaping it into a fillet. Wrap the vegan fillets in the foil and flatten a bit more with your hands to set the shape.

6.Steam the wrapped textured soybean fillets in the steamer or heat a small amount of water in a pan (the water should not cover the fillets, better if it reaches half or a little more) and cook for 40 minutes. If you use the second method, remember that you have to wrap the fillets very well so that they do not get wet and that you have to turn them after 20 minutes. Unwrap the vegetable fillets; they should have hardened during cooking.

7.In a bowl mix the chickpea flour with the water and salt and beat the mixture with a fork until you get the texture of a beaten egg. Pass the soy fillets first through the mixture and then through the breadcrumbs.

8.The vegan breaded steaks are now ready to be cooked. You can fry or bake them until they turn golden brown and crisp on the outside.

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