Vegan Avocado Rice Recipe

The sautéed brown rice that we have prepared is a dish that contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Also, if you are interested in easy avocado recipes, this is one of them. As you know, avocado is rich in healthy fats and contains fiber, potassium and omega 3. On the other hand, brown rice is also a natural source of fiber and B vitamins.

Therefore, to prepare easy brown rice recipes, you just have to take a look at this dish, which is prepared in just 30 minutes. And if you have leftovers, don’t worry, this recipe lasts well in the fridge for several days and is ideal to take in the Tupperware.

Ingredients to make Vegan Avocado Rice:

  1. 180 grams of brown rice
  2. 1 avocado
  3. 1 bunch of fresh coriander
  4. 1 pinch of fresh ginger
  5. 100 grams of Mushrooms
  6. 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
  7. 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  8. 1 tablespoon of Mix of sunflower seeds and seeds
  9. 1 pinch of salt
  10. 1 jet of olive oil

How to make Vegan Avocado Rice:

  • We gather all the ingredients to prepare this vegan avocado rice and then we cook the brown rice in plenty of boiling water with a little salt.
  • Tip: The cooking time will depend on the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • On the other hand, sauté the mushrooms in a pan over high heat for 2-3 minutes, so that they brown but do not release water. We put a little salt and reserve. As you can see we have cut the mushrooms into quarters, but if you prefer you can slice them.
  • To make this brown rice with ginger we have to prepare a dressing. To do this, mix the soy sauce with a little sliced ​​fresh ginger and apple cider vinegar. We booked.
  • Once the brown rice is cooked, drain it and transfer it to a bowl. Add the dressing to the rice along with the sautéed mushrooms and mix well.
  • Now we add the mixture of sunflower seeds. We have put pumpkin, sesame and poppy seeds, among others. If you are looking for vegan recipes for Christmas, this rice is a great option.
  • Finally, we incorporate the sliced ​​avocado on the bowl of brown rice with tuna and decorate with a little more chopped coriander. You will love this vegan avocado rice and you can prepare it for any occasion.

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