Vegan Almond Sobrasada Recipe

Vegan sobrassada has the look and taste of a normal sausage sobrassada, but without fat and much less calories, since it lacks high-calorie ingredients such as bacon.

This vegan almond sobrassada that I share is very simple to make, suitable for appetizers and toasts, and can be eaten by all who eat vegetarian and vegan food.

We can make the vegan sobrassada recipe with other nuts such as cashews, with tubers such as potatoes or with vegetables such as textured soybeans, but this time I am going to make it with fried almonds since it is very tasty.

So if you don’t eat foods of animal origin, go ahead and try this recipe for vegan sobrassada and surprise yourself with its good taste, its texture and the good combination it makes with other foods.

Ingredients to make vegan almond sobrasada:

  • 2 units of red pepper
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika (from Vera)
  • 100 grams of fried almonds
  • 2 tablespoons of quality breadcrumbs
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

How to make vegan almond sobrasada:

The first thing to do to make this vegan almond sobrassada is to roast the peppers in the oven, and when they are cold, peel them and remove the seeds. Next, we crush the roasted peppers together with the rest of the ingredients of the vegan sobrasada, until forming a homogeneous cream that can be used as a spread. If we have a Thermo mix, we beat at speed 7, and if not with a normal electric mixer we can also do it perfectly.

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