Veal Lasagna Recipe

Ingredients to make Veal Lasagna:

  • 12 sheets of pasta for precooked lasagna.
  • 350 grams of the veal with mushrooms recipe (attached on the page)
  • 250 ml of fresh or Neapolitan tomato sauce.
  • 200 ml of béchamel sauce.

How to make Beef Lasagna:

  1. To start making our veal lasagna recipe, the first step is to prepare all the ingredients. If you want to use any other recipe
  2. Take our lasagna sheets to individual refractories and add a sheet, bathe in tomato or Neapolitan sauce (the one you want in this recipe) to make our veal lasagna.
  3. Add our preparation to each of the lasagnas as shown in our photo (if you want to add another veal recipe it is very valid, the ideal is to adapt our recipes to our tastes) I used the recipe for veal with mushrooms that is attached here. The page to make our beef lasagna.
  4. Add another early lasagna sheet and cover this time with béchamel sauce and add Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.
  5. Bake our veal lasagna at approximately 160 degrees Celsius or until our cheese is gratin
  6. Serve our gratin veal lasagna very hot.

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