Valencian Baked Rice Recipe

Today we prepare a Valencian baked rice, a traditional rice that is distinguished thanks to its mix between rice and cooked. This recipe arose to take advantage of the ingredients that were left over from the preparation of the stew.

Thus, we emphasize that Valencian baked rice is a very simple dish and although it has a few steps, it is not difficult at all. Go ahead and cook with us and prepare this delicious dish that is finished in the oven. You will have a completely loose rice and at its point. The result is impressive!

You should know that any dish can be made with rice and it can also be mixed with any ingredient. So, you can never miss a package of rice at home. Keep reading and prepare a Valencian baked rice with us!

Ingredients to make Valencian Baked Rice:

  1. 350 grams of rice
  2. 900 milliliters of broth
  3. 500 grams of rib and pork
  4. 2 pieces of strips of bacon
  5. 2 units of black pudding
  6. 150 grams of cooked chickpeas
  7. 2 units of potatoes
  8. 1 tomato unit
  9. 1 head of garlic
  10. 1 pinch of saffron
  11. 1 dessert spoon of sweet paprika
  12. 1 splash of olive oil
  13. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Valencian Baked Rice:

  • First, we heat the oven up and down to 200ºC. Next, we salt the rib and the bacon. Next, put a pan on the heat with a little oil and when it is hot, add the rib and let it brown. When it is half golden, we will add the bacon and let it brown all together. Finally, when it is cooked, we will remove the ingredients and reserve.
  • Well, in this step we must peel the potatoes and cut them into half cm slices. In the same pan where we have browned the meat and with the same oil we brown the potatoes on both sides. In about 5 minutes they will be ready. If oil is needed, add a little more. We take out and reserve.
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  • Next, we put the meat back, we add the cooked chickpeas and the head of garlic we also include it inside the casserole, but we leave it aside so that it takes on color. Next, add the rice and mix everything together well. Finally, add the teaspoon of sweet paprika and let it cook for a few minutes. Add a little salt.
  • To continue with the preparation of the Valencian baked rice, we heat the broth and add a little saffron to it.
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  • Next, add the broth to the pan, stir everything and add the meat and rice. We place the potatoes around the pan, in addition to the head of garlic that we put in the middle. Next, we put the black pudding around it, cut into pieces, and we also include the tomato slices. Let it cook on high heat for about 5 minutes.
  • Now we will put the casserole in the center of the oven. We let it cook for about 20 minutes with heat up and down. The rice in the oven must be completely dry.
  • Remove the rice, let it rest for 10 minutes and serve. Ready to eat

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