Uruguayan Stew Recipe

Uruguayan Stew Recipe

Uruguayan Stew Recipe

If you like stews and Latin food, you cannot miss this recipe that we bring you for a delicious Uruguayan stew, which in addition to being super tasty is very nutritious, because with just one dish you already contribute to the body a large amount of the nutrients it needs. Or if you dare, you can also try to make some typical Uruguayan empanadas to accompany this stew, and make a complete Uruguayan meal.

Ingredients to make Uruguayan Stew:Uruguayan Stew Recipe

  • ½ gram of Lamb in strips
  • ½ gram of buttocks in cubes
  • 100 grams of Bacon in cubes
  • 300 grams of sliced ​​Chorizo
  • 2 units of chopped onion
  • 2 units of chopped bell pepper
  • 2 cloves of minced Garlic
  • 2 units of sliced ​​carrot
  • 3 units of Potato in cubes
  • 2 units of sweet potatoes in cubes
  • 1 piece of Pumpkin (pumpkin) in cubes
  • 2 units of sliced ​​corn
  • 1 handful of salt
  • 1 pinch of oregano
  • 1 pinch of ground pepper
  • 2 cubes of Knorr Beef Broth
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 2 cups of rice
  • 500 grams of tomato extract
  • Toilet
  • 1 can of cooked peas
  • 1 handful of chopped parsley

How to make Uruguayan Stew:


The first thing we have to do to prepare this recipe is to gather all the necessary ingredients.


Next, heat the tablespoons of oil in a large pot and fry the onions, peppers and garlic. Once everything is golden, add the bacon and fry it a little.


Then add the chorizo, the buttocks and the lamb and fry it all for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly so that no ingredient sticks.


Then add the beef broth cubes and season the stew to your liking with salt, oregano and ground pepper.


Also add the tomato extract and fry it a little so that everything takes on flavor. Then add all the cut vegetables, cover the stew with water (level with the food) and let it simmer over low-medium heat for a long time, stirring from time to time so that nothing burns.

Tip: Add more water when necessary if you see that the stew is getting too dry.


When the vegetables are tender, add the rice and let it cook for another 15 minutes.


Finally, place the stew in a large bowl and add the peas and a handful of chopped parsley at serving time.


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