Types of sauces for meat and chicken – 12 recipes step by step

If you are looking for easy meat sauces, here is a compilation with 12 step-by-step recipes to save in your favorites and use them to spice up your best dishes. In addition, we explain the main types of sauces that are used, differentiating them by type of cooking and flavor.

With sauce it tastes better! If you are one of those who say this phrase frequently, you will know that sauces and dressings help us enhance the flavor of dishes, give them color or add nuances and textures to certain foods.

This time we will focus on the topic of meat, because although a good meat already has a great flavor, there are certain sauces made exclusively so that the meat tastes even better and our palate enjoys an explosion of unique flavors.

Stay and discover which are the best sauces for meat and chicken, sauces for roast meat, sauce for red meat, sauce to accompany grilled chicken and more… here you will find everything you need to know about the art of preparing sauces for meat

Sauce with fruit for meat

If you like sweet and sour flavors, you will know that there is no better combination than a good roast beef or grilled chicken accompanied by a sauce that contrasts this flavor to enjoy in a big way.

To cook like a true chef, fruit sauces for meats are basic recipes that you need to master. In addition, there are so many options that you can surely adapt any of our recipes to your tastes. Sweet, citrus and acid touches are what you will get with this type of meat accompaniment.

The sauces that we describe below are ideal to accompany any of these meats:

  • Duck magnet
  • Rump tip
  • Steak
  • Beef tenderloin
  • Lamb
  • Cutlets
  • Grilled chicken
  • Grilled chicken
  • Baked chicken

Orange willow

It is prepared with oranges, brown sugar, cilantro, vinegar and will help you bring life to dishes that seemed boring or repetitive. This sweet and sour sauce for meats is one of the easiest to make and can be served hot or cold. Be sure to review the step-by-step recipe for orange sauce if this description has caught your attention.

Cranberry willow

Very popular at Christmas parties, especially to accompany turkey, cranberry sauce for meats also stands out for its sweet and sour flavor and its intense red color. This type of fruit sauces for meat only needs a little wine, sugar; salt and pepper so do not stop trying.  We assure you that the recipe for cranberry sauce for meat will make you stand out in the kitchen like never before.

Mango chutney

Mango chutney looks almost like a jam but is used as a sauce to accompany meats and vegetables. This sauce with sweet and sour and spicy nuances is widely used in Indian cuisine, where it is served to accompany chicken, lamb or vegetarian dishes. Dare to try this mixture of mango with spices to give color to your dishes and surprise everyone with the mango chutney recipe.

Creole sauce or mincemeat

Unlike fruit sauces, the sauces that fall under the classification of Creole sauces for meat are those that generally do not need cooking, a type of sauce for meat and chicken that simply consists of a selection of finely chopped ingredients and seasoned in such a way that they provide a fresh flavor to meals.

This type of meat sauces, popular especially in Caribbean and South American countries, is ideal to accompany:

  • Grilled chicken
  • Sirloin
  • Rump tip
  • Chorizo ​​steak
  • Empanadas
  • Steak

Green sauce for meat

Surely you have heard the term green sauce for fish, but the truth is that there is also a special green sauce for meat. This sauce is made with parsley, pickles, capers and garlic so as you can imagine, it has an intense flavor that enhances the flavor of the meat. The green sauce for meats is very simple to make and is served cold, ideal for a day on the grill.


Chimichurri is a very popular sauce; it has a liquid consistency and has many condiments, although the predominant flavors are usually parsley and oregano. Chimichurri is almost exclusively served with grilled meats, but you can also use it to season other types of dishes, such as empanadas.

Spicy fruit sauce

The mixture of fruits and meat does not always have to end in sweet and sour flavors and for example here you have the wonderful spicy fruit sauce. This sauce, similar to a Colombian Creole sauce, is made with tropical fruit; chili pepper and peppermint, an exotic combination that will make you enjoy your best grilled meats even more. If you want to try it now.

Reductions for meat

We finish our section with the types of sauces for meat and chicken with the most classic of all, the reductions. As the name implies, reductions are sauces made from a delicate mixture of ingredients that are cooked or boiled until their volume is reduced, concentrating the flavors and evaporating the alcohol, depending on the case.

Gravy sauce

The gravy sauce is a concentrate of juices from different cooking of meat. It is a popular recipe from the United Kingdom and commonly used in gastronomy to accompany pieces of roast meat or vegetable dishes such as mashed potatoes or rice. So if you don’t want to use a lot of extra ingredients, just by cooking a good steak you can get a rich side sauce by following the gravy recipe.

Port Sauce

As its name indicates, Porto sauce uses the famous Port wine as a base, a Portuguese wine that provides a slightly bittersweet nuance to meals. Porto sauce is a reduction for meats that is usually used to accompany sirloins or lean meats such as duck breast or venison. Go ahead and give an elegant touch to your dishes with the Porto sauce recipe for meats.

Red wine reduction

A slightly thick sauce, with a lot of flavor and sweet and sour touches. The red wine reduction for meats is a classic and to make it you only need wine, some spices and honey according to the recipe. The red wine reduction for meats will give color and flavor to your dishes and you can serve it to accompany any type of brochette.

Latest tips

The best thing about easy meat sauces is that this type of preparation will help you enhance the flavor of the food, so if you are sure that you will accompany your dishes with sauce, it is best to do simple things that do not require much preparation, so you can spend more time preparing the sauces. You will see how your menu completely changes by simply adding an extra like any of the meat sauces that we have shown you.

Do not forget that there are many other varieties and that these are some of the most classic, you can also try the typical homemade barbecue sauce or with more oriental flavors with preparations such as teriyaki sauce.

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