Types of Posole

Pozole is one of the most representative dishes of Mexican food, and not only because of its exquisite flavor, but also because of its past full of exciting stories and legends. This type of food is usually reserved for major festivities and relevant social events, although there are also those who include it in their daily menu. In a strict sense it is a broth with vegetables and meat, where the use of a special corn called cacahuazintle or corn pozole stands out, this is characterized by its flower shape and the foam it produces just after boiling it. Once ready, it is commonly accompanied with lettuce, radishes, a few drops of lemon juice, avocado, onion, oregano, Mexican toast and cream.

Are you wondering how many types of pozole are there? Well, we show you the main types, as well as their tricks and secrets so you can get an epic result. Pure Mexican flavor!

White chicken and pork pozole

This type of pozole is basic, since nothing else contains meat and corn, it is considered the most classic of all. Its color is white, since it does not have any kind of sauce, chili or additional technique. Once ready, if you feel like it, you can add the usual accompaniments and additionally piquín chili, hot sauce, red sauces (tomato-based) or green sauces (green tomato-based).

The white pozole is perfect for children to start with this traditional dish, since in principle it does not contain any type of spice. Cheer up and pamper your loved ones with this recipe following the step-by-step white pozole with chicken and pork. A dish full of nutrients!

Red pozole

The red or Jalisco style pozole is considered the most emblematic of all the pozoles that exist along with the white one. Its characteristic color is acquired thanks to the guajillo chili. Preparing it is not as complicated as it seems, because we explain it to you step by step and in great detail in our red pozole recipe.

Do you want any pozole to be a scandal? Well, whatever its variety, the most important thing is to respect each of the preparation stages and carry them out separately, as we indicate below:

  • Prepare the corn. If it is dry corn, clean it, soak it, decabézalo (there are those who remove the husk after cooking), cook it, cool it and rinse it again to remove the lime. If it’s canned corn, just drain it, discard the water, rinse it, and use it.
  • Prepare the meat. Cook it and reserve the broth for later use. Then chop or shred the meat.
  • Prepare the sauce for pozole. Cook the chili, crush it until you get a paste together with the other ingredients that the recipe calls for. Depending on the color of the pozole, the following are used: ancho chili, tree chili, guajillo chili and pasilla chili.

Tip: This dish is also widely consumed in Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Guanajuato and Tlaxcala.

Vegetarian Pozole with Mushrooms

For people who do not eat meat, there are also several very tasty versions of pozole prepared with any of its emblematic colors. In each one the same usual recipe is followed, but the meat is replaced by some edible mushroom. If you like vegetarian or vegan dishes, follow the next step by step and put into practice our recipe for vegetarian pozole with mushrooms.

Now, there are several very interesting tips when we learn how to make pozole to get extra flavor in the sauce:

  1. It consists of roasting (smoking) the chilies, but without burning them excessively (they should not be completely blackened), because if this happens the preparation will become bitter.
  2. The second alternative is to use dried chilies, as their flavor is more concentrated. Also, if you use other ingredients such as tomatoes, also roast them to enhance the flavor of the sauce.

Wheat pozole

In this version the hominy is substituted for wheat and depending on the region, ingredients are added or subtracted, in addition, some culinary techniques are also changed. For example, some recipes contain ingredients such as broad beans, carrots, amaranth, nopal, purslane, kidney beans or coriander. As for the technique in the State of Mexico, the ears of wheat are singed before shelling and cooking them. So, if you want to prepare this traditional Mexican food, just follow the steps of the wheat pozole recipe. This recipe also has a vegan version!

Tip: This dish is very popular in Michoacán, Estado de México and Sonora.

Chicken Pozole with Corn

This preparation uses two types of corn (corn kernels and cacahuzintle kernels), and is usually consumed a lot in both Michoacán and Jalisco. The base sauce can be green or red and the most used proteins are pork and chicken. Has your mouth watered yet? Well, take note of all the necessary steps so that you can prepare this chicken pozole with corn. A sublime dish!

Keep in mind this additional trick: When you add aromatic herbs to Mexican pozoles, always add them at the right time. For example, the laurel is placed during the cooking of the corn and the oregano just at the moment of serving (rubbing it with the palms), so the flavor of the preparation will be balanced and tasty.

Tip: Onions, whether purple or white, fulfill almost the same function as radishes, since they are similar in terms of flavor.

Red pork pozole

The original recipe for red pozole contains parts of the pig’s head, since more flavors are concentrated there, specifically in the ears and cheeks, although other parts of the animal are also widely used, such as the ribs or meat. A very important trick for the pozole to maintain its flavor is to ensure that the liquid is not consumed too much, and if this happens, more broth of the selected protein is added. The ideal amount of liquid occupies approximately 3/4 of the saucepan you use.

Taste one of the most sublime Mexican dishes that exist, just by following our detailed step by step of red pork pozole. A complete taste experience!

Tip: Solid is a firm boneless meat, therefore, it does not contain large streaks of fat.

Green chicken pozole

Green pozole is prepared with many types of meat, but mainly pork and chicken. Its color comes from the mixture of tomato, epazote, poblano pepper and pumpkin seeds. Unlike the pozoles of the central zone of the country, it is served with pork rinds, avocado and cilantro. This preparation is considered a true delicacy and is worth tasting at least once in a lifetime.

So if you want to learn how to make green pozole, just follow our green chicken pozole recipe step by step. You will have no doubts!

Tip: nixtamalization is the process of cooking corn, using water and lime.

Red vegan pozole

Here is another recipe for meatless pozole, but this time we combine two types of mushrooms to enrich the preparation: mushrooms. What broth can you use? Well, vegetable broth or simply water, although there are those who say that the broth takes away the flavor of the chilies. An interesting suggestion for the presentation is to cut the mushrooms into strips, so they resemble meat more.

Well, if you like Mexican food recipes, you can’t miss this preparation, since we explain everything step by step in our vegan pozole recipe.

Tip: dry hominy corn gives a more authentic flavor than canned corn.

Pozole Verde with pork

If you like green pozole, you need to try this version with pork, as its flavor is succulent. In addition, it is an express recipe, since we use precooked pozole corn, therefore, you will save several steps if you follow the instructions that we give you below to prepare the green pozole recipe with pork. An easy and tasty pozole!

Tip: Lettuce can be replaced with cabbage.

Michoacan style red chicken pozole

We close with a flourish the list of Mexican pozoles. Now you can delight yourself with its flavor by following our Michoacán-style red pozole instructions. Now, you already know that lettuce is essential as a companion to this dish, therefore, you cannot allow it to rust, which is why you may be interested in the following tips:

  1. Strip it and discard the defective parts.
  2. Wash the leaves very well and add disinfectant.
  3. Dry the leaves carefully using absorbent paper towels. They must be completely dry.
  4. Place them in a special container to refrigerate (with a lid). Separate them from each other using paper towels that are absorbent.
  5. Store the container in the fridge. Put it in the vegetable drawer, as it is the least cold area.
  6. When using the lettuce leaves, cut them with a plastic knife preferably. Do it in medium and very thin strips, as they should not protrude from the spoon.

Tip: Lettuce can be replaced with cabbage.

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