Turkish Halva Recipe

Turkish halva, also called halwa, halvah, halava, helva, halawa, is a Turkish cuisine dessert that is prepared with sugar or honey. It is also made with flour or semolina. It is a very simple preparation that is cooked with plenty of oil or butter, the flour or semolina is also toasted and sesame seeds, walnuts, pine nuts, among other ingredients, are added. It is a delicious Turkish sweet that is made with few ingredients and with a little patience.

In this article we teach you how to make easy Turkish halva. Do not miss it and keep reading!

Ingredients to make Turkish Halva:

  • 120 milliliters of sunflower oil or butter
  • 100 grams of flour
  • 170 grams of sugar
  • 200 milliliters of water
  • 20 grams of pine nuts

How to make Turkish Halva:

  1. To start with the Turkish halva recipe, first heat the water in a saucepan and add the sugar, mix so that it dissolves well.
  2. Trick: instead of water you can add milk or put half of water and half of milk.
  3. In a shallow frying pan, add the oil or butter and place the pine nutsuntil they brown a little. You should not let them get too much color.
  4. When the oil or butter is hot, add the flour at once, stir and mix.
  5. Next, lower the heat and with a wooden spoon stir and let the flour cook for about 15 minutes so that it acquires a light toasted color.
  6. Trick: the flour should not burn.
  7. When you see that the flour has cooked well, add the water with the sugar and let it bubble.
  8. You must add it little by little while mixing so that all the ingredients are integrated. You must be careful not to make too many lumps.
  9. Once the mixture is removed, turn off the heat. Next, cover the dough and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  10. When it has rested, place the dough in a bowl to prepare the pasta. You should make the shape when the dough is hot, but it should not be burning.
  11.  Therefore, if they are still very hot, let it cool down.
  12. Once you have the dough ready, you must begin to form balls. Next, add pine nuts or walnuts to the balls.
  13. Trick: instead of balls you can make square cuts.
  14. You already have the Turkish halva recipe ready!

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