Turkey Tuna Sandwich Recipe

Turkey meat has a lower fat content than pork meat, so using turkey ham is always more recommended for those who follow a maintenance or weight loss diet. Likewise, it represents an excellent source of protein, it is digested much better than other meats, it is rich in fiber, essential minerals such as iron, and vitamins of group B, E and C, among other benefits. On the other hand, tuna has a high content of omega 3 fatty acids, essential for cardiovascular health, selenium and magnesium, as well as vitamins of group B and E, mainly.

In order to take advantage of all the properties of these foods and take care of our body, I share a simple turkey sandwich with tuna, don’t miss it!

Ingredients to make Turkey Tuna Sandwich:

  • 2 slices of whole meal bread
  • 1 slice of turkey ham
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 1 can of Light Mayonnaise
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Turkey Tuna Sandwich:

Drain the oil from the can of tuna, place it in a bowl and add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. We start mixing with a fork. Depending on our taste, we can add more or less mayonnaise. I love that it looks like a kind of dough, so I incorporated a lot of it. And if you want to make it homemade, don’t miss the step-by-step mayonnaise recipe.

Tip: Add a pinch of black pepper to enhance the flavor.

We place the two slices of bread on the table to start assembling the tuna sandwich with mayonnaise. I have used whole meal bread with cereals, but you can use whatever you want, such as sliced ​​bread. On one of the slices we put the slice of turkey ham. On the turkey ham we evenly distribute the tuna mixed with the mayonnaise. Especially if we have opted for a light mayonnaise, we can prepare this tuna sandwich for dinner instead of a snack.

Clever! We serve the turkey sandwich with tuna accompanied by a fruit smoothie, such as a kiwi smoothie if we are suffering from constipation, or a blueberry smoothie if we follow a low-calorie diet.

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