Turbot stuffed with homemade txangurro recipe

Ingredients to make homemade Turbot stuffed with txangurro:

  • 2 medium turbot (140 g per person, approximately)
  • 1 txangurro (crab) cooked and crumbled
  • 100 g large onion finely chopped
  • 200g of potatoes
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • salted
  • olive oil
  • for the provencal
  • 1 garlic finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs

How to make homemade turbot stuffed with txangurro:

  1. We clean the turbot, removing the entrails and lateral spines.
  2. Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices.
  3. Place the potato slices on the baking dish and place the turbot (previously seasoned) on top.
  4. Spray with a good jet of oil and a large glass of water and place in the oven at 180ºC for 25 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile we prepare the filling.
  6. To do this, we put the onion to poach and when it is golden, we add the spider meat and sauté well.
  7. Remove from the pan and reserve.
  8. Remove the turbot from the oven and, very carefully, cut through the upper part (at the height of the central spine), separate the loins and remove the central spines.
  9. Fill with the txangurro and close again.
  10. In a plate we mix the ingredients of the Provencal (minced garlic, grated bread and chopped parsley) and sprinkle the turbot.
  11. We put it back in the oven to gratin.
  12. In 2-3 minutes they will be ready.
  13. We serve on a tray with the potatoes.

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