Turbot Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make turbot soup:

  1. 4 onions
  2. 2 garlic
  3. red paprika powder
  4. 4 slices of fried bread
  5. 1 shot of cognac
  6. 1 small chili
  7. 1 splash of white wine
  8. Fish broth or fumet
  9. 1 handful of hazelnuts
  10. 200 ml of sunflower oil

How to make turbot soup:

  • Saute the onion with the minced garlic and once you have the desired color add the white wine.
  • Now add the fish broth, flambé the cognac separately and add it to the broth. Add the fried bread, the hazelnuts.
  • Then we take a separate pan, add the sunflower oil, add the chili and very carefully heat the oil and add the red paprika powder, and directly to the fish broth. Be careful because the boiling oil and the broth are going to splash all over the kitchen, so take your precautions. You have to have a creamy sauce passed through the blender as well as the one in the photograph.
  • Take a little fish broth and crumble the fish you have, in this case turbot, and bring it to a boil.
  • Now it’s time to gather the broth and add the previous cream. Thicken the turbot soup with breadcrumbs to taste. Be careful when you heat this fish soup because it can burn underneath if you are not careful.

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