Tuna stuffed squid recipe

Ingredients to make Calamari stuffed with tuna:

  1. 4 fresh calamari
  2. 2 cans of Tuna
  3. crushed natural tomato
  4. 2 boiled eggs
  5. 1 onion
  6. 1 small glass of white wine
  7. potatoes (optional)

How to make Tuna Stuffed Squid:

  • We start by cleaning the squid very well, reserving their legs for the filling and meanwhile, put the eggs to cook in boiling water.
  • Be sure to review the section on tricks and cooking times to cook perfect boiled eggs.
  • On the other hand, we heat a frying pan with a drizzle of oil and fry the squid legs a little. Then, when they get color, we add the crushed tomatoes and keep cooking for 10 minutes. Booking.
  • The amount of tomato sauce is to taste.
  • Add to this mixture the diced hard-boiled egg and the tuna, previously drained. Stir well and season the filling for the calamari to taste.
  • Now we proceed to fill the squid bodies with the tuna mixture, fill well and close the opening with some wooden toothpicks to prevent the filling from coming out during cooking
  • We put oil in a frying pan or a clay pot if we have it and fry the stuffed squid with the finely chopped onion.
  • We wait a few minutes until we see that the squid begin to brown and then we add the white wine. At this point we season with a pinch of salt to taste and keep cooking over low heat for about 10 minutes or until we see that the sauce is reducing.
  • Separately we can fry some slices of potatoes and add them to the casserole when the squids are almost ready. Turn off and let everything rest for a couple of minutes.
  • These tuna-stuffed squid are delicious and as you can see, it’s a fairly simple and cheap recipe, so you can’t stop including it on your menu. If you have not included the potatoes, we recommend serving them with a side of white rice.

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