Tuna Salad with Cauliflower Recipe

Do you have cauliflower at home and don’t know how to prepare it? We show you many recipes with cauliflower with a multitude of possibilities. If you fancy something fresh and easy to prepare, you can cook this cauliflower and tuna salad, ideal for children.

As you know, cauliflower is a natural source of fiber that has few calories and many benefits. On the other hand, the tuna and the egg provide us with protein and Omega 3. All these ingredients seasoned with a simple dressing make the tuna salad with cauliflower a complete and healthy dish. I hope you like it!

Ingredients to make Cauliflower Tuna Salad:

  • ½ cauliflower
  • 1 can of canned tuna
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 piece of spring onion
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 12 black olives
  • 1 splash of white wine vinegar

How to make Cauliflower Tuna Salad:

We gather all the ingredients to prepare the cauliflower tuna salad. To start, cook the cauliflower in plenty of water with a little salt for 10 minutes. Once cooked, drain it, let it cool down and separate it into little trees. On the other hand, we cook the egg in boiling water for 10 minutes. Once cooked, we pass it through very cold water so that the shell can be removed more easily. Peel the egg and chop the onion into small squares. We add the onion and the canned tuna to the cauliflower that we already have in a salad bowl.  Remember that it is important to remove excess oil from canned tuna. Chop the boiled egg and add it to the cauliflower and tuna salad. The egg is rich in protein and omega 3, essential for the growth of children. Finally, add the small chopped tomato and the black olives. We season with a little salt, vinegar and olive oil and ready to eat!

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