Tuna recipe in mushroom sauce

Although it is true that the recipe that we show below is not one of the healthiest that we can prepare with this popular fish, it is also delicious! If you have two tuna steaks in the freezer and you still don’t know what to do with them, here’s an idea: mushroom sauce!

Tuna is one of the blue fish that brings the most benefits to our body, and it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, essential minerals such as magnesium and vitamins of group B and E, among many others. In this way, thanks to the omega 3 and the high amount of magnesium and selenium, this fish helps us to maintain the health of our heart. To benefit from all its properties, the best thing to do is to cook the tuna on the grill. However, if you want to add an extra touch of flavor to the recipe, keep reading and discover how to make tuna in mushroom sauce.

Ingredients to make Tuna in mushroom sauce:

  • 2 tuna steaks
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of oregano
  • 1 pinch of thyme
  • For the mushroom sauce
  • 175 grams of mixed mushrooms
  • 200 milliliters of Cream of milk or cream
  • 5 almonds
  • 5 hazelnuts

How to make Tuna in mushroom sauce:

  1. We begin the recipe for tuna in mushroom sauce by chopping the almonds with the hazelnuts. I made the mince in a mortar, but if you prefer it to be more pulverized, you can use a mixer or blender.
  2. We take a frying pan, heat a jet of oil and, when it is hot, we sauté the previous mince. I added these ingredients to the sauce to give it an extra touch of flavor, but if you don’t have them you can remove them from the recipe.
  3. Add the mixed mushrooms to the pan where we have the almonds and chopped hazelnuts, and sauté them for a few minutes over high heat. I have used canned mushrooms, but you can use the mushrooms that you like the most or even use only sliced ​​mushrooms
  4. While we sautéed the mushrooms, we put the griddle on the fire with a drizzle of oil. Sprinkle the spices over the tuna fillets and cook the fish on the grill when the oil is hot.
  5. When the mushrooms are cooked, add the cream to continue preparing the mushroom sauce. Stir, lower the heat and let cook while the tuna steaks are finished.
  6. When the tuna is ready, we add it to the sauce so that it is well impregnated with all its flavors. If you prefer, you can also serve the grilled fish directly on the plate and place the sauce on it. To your liking!
  7. We leave the tuna on the fire for a few minutes and serve it immediately to eat it hot. Clever! As you can see, preparing tuna in mushroom sauce is very easy, fast, and the result is a spectacular dish.

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