Tuna Marmitako Recipe

The stew or stew of tuna or bonito, called marmitako in northern lands such as Asturias, the Basque Country or Galicia, is a wonderful dish full of contrasts and unique flavors. This humble sailor’s concoction is very nutritious without being overly heavy or loaded with calories. It can be made from other ingredients, but in this case we want to show you a delicious tuna marmitako recipe.

If you want to try this dish at home, then do not hesitate to continue reading to find out how to make traditional tuna marmitako and prepare it with love for yourself or your whole family. Go for it!

Ingredients to make Tuna Marmitako:

  • 3 slices of fresh tuna without skin or bones
  • 1 leek
  • 1 piece of Italian red and green pepper
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 2 pieces of potatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves and dried cayenne peppers
  • 1 tablespoon chorizo ​​pepper paste (optional)
  • 2 small, ripe tomatoes
  • 1 small glass of white wine or txakoli
  • 1 sprig of parsley, chopped or dried
  • 2 glasses of water or fish brother
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 splashes of olive oil

How to make Tuna Marmitako:

  1. First, chop the peppers and the leek into medium pieces; cut the garlic into slices. Pour oil into a saucepan and heat it up. When hot, add the vegetables over medium heat and stir with a wooden spoon or kitchen tongue.
  2. Let it sauté for 5 minutes and, after this time, peel the tomato and cut it into medium pieces. Also add it to the saucepan and cook for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Meanwhile, peel and cut the potatoes, cracking them to release the starch and thicken the tuna marmitako. She adds the thawed potatoes, cayenne peppers and peas to the stew. Stir and let cook for 3 more minutes.
  4. Trick: To crack the potatoes, insert the knife into the potato and, before reaching the end of the cut, carefully turn and break them.
  5. Prepare the fish broth or fumet, you can mix it with wine or txakoli if you have it and a tablespoon of chorizo ​​​​pepper paste. Pour everything into the saucepan. Taste for salt and let it cook for 15 minutes. Then add the tuna to finish cooking with the rest of the ingredients. Let cook for about 10 minutes without going overboard so that the tuna does not lose properties.
  6. Trick: The chorizo ​​​​pepper is a kind of pepper that is left to dry out and then hydrated and only extract its pulp. You can also find it in jars turned into paste.
  7. Now this exquisite tuna marmitako stew is ready, serve it sprinkling parsley on top. A semi-dry white wine or a local txakoli goes perfectly with it. If you wish, you can serve some bread to dip this wonderful broth that will make this humble dish of yesteryear a luxurious dish like no other.

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