Tuna Marmitaco Recipe

Ingredients to make Tuna Marmitaco:

  • 400 gr of cubed fresh tuna, 1 medium potato, 1 green zucchini, 1 onion, 2 ripe tomatoes, white wine, 50 gr of peeled almonds, 4 cloves of garlic, saffron, parsley, oil and salt.

How to make Tuna Marmitaco:

  1. Chop all the vegetables very finely; chop the potato the same size as the tuna.
  2. Reserve the zucchini for now.
  3. Brown 4 whole garlic cloves in a frying pan peeled and lightly tapped together with the almonds.
  4. Remove from the heat and add the parsley and crush them in a mortar with a little salt and saffron thread.
  5. Pour the oil from having browned the garlic into a pot and add 1 chopped onion, 2 chopped ripe tomatoes without skin.
  6. When the onion is soft, add the potato and sauté it for a few minutes.
  7. After sautéing, add water to cook, white wine, the mashed stuff, a fish stock cube, zucchini cut like the potato, the tuna and sauté 25 minutes.
  8. Garnish: carrot and apple salad. Grated carrot, grated apple, natural unsweetened yogurt,

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