Tuna and mango tartare recipe

The tuna and mango tartare is a delicious starter or appetizer for lovers of raw fish. A piece of good tuna is a delicacy for many, in addition, it is currently very fashionable to make dishes with raw tuna, that is why we offer you this homemade tartare recipe.

Don’t know how to make tuna and mango tartare ? Don’t worry, we offer you all the easy steps you must follow to make this dish. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Tuna and Mango Tartare:

  • 150 grams of fresh tuna
  • 1 handle
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon soy willow
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds, sesame…

How to make Tuna and Mango Tartare:

  1. Start the tuna and mango tartare recipe by first cleaning the tuna , it should be boneless and skinless. When the tuna is ready, cut it into small cubes . Add the pieces in a bowl and dress them with soy, sesame oil, olive oil, a little salt and pepper. Stir everything very well, covers with plastic wrap and reserve in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the mango in half , remove the bone and cut it into small squares. Reserve in a bowl. We point out that it can be seasoned if you like with a little salt, lemon and olive oil.
  3. Now prepare the avocado, you should know that its neutral flavor will give the two main ingredients a soft touch to the tartar. Cut it in half, remove the bone, cut into pieces and reserve in a bowl. Dress it with lemon juice, oil and salt.
  4. Leave everything prepared in the fridge until serving time. When you need to prepare it, place a ring in the center of a plate and add the diced mango as a base, followed by a layer of avocado.
  5. To finish , add a good layer of tuna on top , since it is the main ingredient. Sprinkle the tuna with seeds, a little chopped parsley or chives and carefully remove the ring. Put a jet of oil around and accompany the dish with some toast. Let’s eat !

Tuna tartare with easy mango and other preparations

Tuna is a very healthy oily fish , since it has many fatty acids, such as omegas and vitamins. In addition, it is very versatile, since it can be cooked in various ways: grilled, in stews, in salads, in tuna rice rolls or by making a delicious tartare. We point out that for a dish of ten to remain, the main thing is the quality of the ingredients, especially fresh tuna.

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