Tucuman Empanadas Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make the famous Argentine empanadas from Tucumán, stuffed with meat and other ingredients that we detail below. Keep reading and learn to prepare empanadas from Tucuman.

Ingredients to make Tucuman Empanadas:

  • 1 package of dough for empanadas
  • 500 grams of ground beef
  • 120 grams of green onion or long onion
  • 3 units of hardboiled eggs
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin
  • 1 teaspoon Thyme
  • 1 unit of red pepper or red paprika
  • 1 unit of green pepper or green paprika
  • 80 grams of Tomato
  • 4 cups of beef stock
  • 1 unit of white onion
  • 1 glass of red wine
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Tucuman Empanadas:

The first step to make our Tucuman empanadas recipe is to pre-list the ingredients. The beef can be buttock or matambre. We are going to make the filling for the empanadas.  Take a pan over medium heat with a tablespoon of sunflower oil, add the onions, peppers and tomato, all finely chopped with a little salt, black pepper and garlic paste to taste.

When the sauce takes the consistency that is observed in the photograph, add the ground meat, thyme to taste and a little cumin. Sauté very well until the ingredients are integrated. Once you see that the meat is well sautéed, deglaze it with the red wine, this will give an extra touch to our preparation.

Cover with the beef stock and leave to keep for about 30-40 minutes, or until you notice that the filling has consistency.

Remove the filling from the Tucuman empanadas to a bowl and let cool, add the hard-boiled egg in very small squares and mix all the ingredients well. Add a little wheat flour on top of the counter where we are going to stretch the dough. Stretch the empanada dough, ideally the dough is very thin. Cut the tops of the empanadas with a round cutter, or the mouth of a glass. Roll out each of the empanada tops. I have a special machine to fold empanadas that helps me close them, but if you don’t have this kitchen utensil, nothing happens, you can do it manually.

Add the filling and, if you wish, you can add an olive to each of the empanadas. Close the empanadas and reserve them on a plate. In a bowl add two eggs and beat them as if you were going to make an omelet. With the help of a kitchen brush, bathe each of the empanadas with the beaten egg, what this will do is give them a touch of shine.

Take the Tucuman empanadas to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat. Preheat the oven to 200ºC and bake the empanadas for approximately 25-30 minutes.

Serve the Tucuman empanadas right out of the oven. You can accompany them with  Argentine chimichurri sauce.

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