Trout Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make trout soup:

  • 2 trout Loaf bread preferably from the day before
  • A tablespoon of lard or a splash of olive oil
  • Half an onion
  • Salt
  • Garlic
  • Paprika Vinegar

How to make trout soup:

  1. Put a saucepan on the fire with approximately a liter of water (for 4 people) and add the onion in segments and the butter so that it melts or, failing that, a splash of olive oil.
  2. When it boils, add the chopped trout, each one in three or four slices.
  3. While the trout is cooking (it takes very little) crush a clove of garlic with the corresponding salt in the mortar and add half a tablespoon of paprika (or whatever you like).
  4. This is added to the broth.
  5. In a bowl or better if you have a clay pot, you have the bread cut into soups or thin slices.
  6. The amount of bread for 4 people can be about 400 gr. about.
  7. When we see that the trout is already cooked and we have checked the salt, we take out the pieces and put them on top of the bread and then pour the broth on top.
  8. To eat the trout, which can be a bit insipid, we can make a sauce in the mortar with oil, vinegar and paprika, this in sufficient quantity to make it look like a cream and we will pour it on top of the trout pieces.
  9. Very little of this sauce is made just to wet the trout a little.
  10. The amounts that are approximate then depend on whether the soup likes broth or not, more or less water will be added and the trout, of course, the more it carries, the more flavor it will have; That is why it is recommended that once it is cooked the first time, it is later modified to the taste of each family.
  11. If you like it spicy, you can chop a little chilli.
  12. With the same recipe you can make conger eel soups.
  13. In this case, the conger will be thrown into the cold water.

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