Trout and leek rolls Recipe

Ingredients to make TROUT AND LEEK ROLLS:

  • a trout loin (approx. 1/2 kg, boneless, can also be substituted for salmon)
  • 2 or 3 large leeks
  • 1 shallot
  • dill stick
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons of flour
  • 100 g heavy cream
  • 1 lemon
  • salted
  • Pepper
  • olive oil


  1. Check that the trout do not have any bones; remove the skin passing a wide knife from the tail to the head.
  2. Cut the fish into thin strips.
  3. Chop the shallot very finely, almost crushed, and mix with a tablespoon of chopped dill and two tablespoons of oil so that the flavors blend.
  4. Place the trout strips in a bowl and cover with this preparation, season with salt and pepper and leave in the fridge.
  5. Step 2 Remove the ends of the leek and wash; Separate the leaves and blanch two minutes in hot water, until they soften.
  6. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.
  7. Wrap a strip of fish in a leek leaf and dredge in flour (hold with a toothpick if necessary to shape it into a roll).
  8. Transfer them to a plate with the beaten eggs and let them soak well.
  9. Step 3 Whip the cream with a pinch of salt and pepper; Add the lemon juice and chopped dill and mix with a whisk.
  10. Place in a glass bowl and store in the fridge.
  11. Before serving the dish, fry the rolls in very hot oil, turning them over with two forks until golden brown.
  12. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper and serve in a bowl with the bowl of cream in the center, as an accompaniment.

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