Tripe recipe with chickpeas in white wine

Ingredients to make tripe with chickpeas in white wine:

  • calluses
  • Olive oil
  • 1 small red chilli
  • 3 garlic
  • hot paprika
  • Black pepper
  • 1 glass of white wine

How to make tripe with chickpeas in white wine:

  1. First, with the raw tripe, we put it in the pressure cooker, for about 1h-1.50, with plenty of water. When they are cooked, we will reserve the broth from boiling the tripe.
  2. We will prepare a clay pot (essential) conventional iron saucepans it has nothing to do with clay, we will put olive oil, a vixo, spicy (small red chilli) 3 garlic.
  3. Let it fly in the oil, add sweet paprika, add the drained tripe and fry, adding hot paprika to taste, black pepper.
  4. Let it brown when a good glass of white wine begins to reduce, by reducing the broth that we reserved from boiling the tripe.
  5. Taste for salt and let it boil for 1 hour, NO PNGO OR CHORIZO, OR MORCILLA, less greasy better division, serve the spiciness from one day to the next depending on taste.

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