Traditional Madrilenian Stew Recipe

Traditional Madrilenian Stew Recipe

Traditional Madrilenian Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make traditional Madrilenian stew:Traditional Madrilenian Stew Recipe

  • 250 g of chickpeas
  • 1 foot of salt pork
  • 500 gr of beef tenderloin
  • 6 small potatoes
  • 1/4 hen or chicken
  • 1/2 kg of vegetables:
  • cabbage
  • carrots
  • leeks
  • 100 gr of salted bacon
  • 1 ham bone
  • 1 veal knee bone
  • 1 black pudding and 1 chorizo
  • Salt

How to make traditional Madrilenian stew:


In a pot with plenty of cold water, put all the meats.


And separated by a vegetable drainer, the vegetables and the chickpeas (which will have been soaked for 12 hours the night before).


Add the salt and let it cook slowly for a little over 3 hours.


The first course of the stew will be the soup, for which we will use the broth from it.


We can make the soup with the pasta that we want or with bread.


If it is pasta, you will have to remove part of the broth to another saucepan.


And when it boils add the paste, letting it boil until cooked.


If we want bread, we will cut slices of hard bread.


Placing them in the bottom of the plates, and watering them later with the broth from the stew.


The chickpeas are placed in a dish with the meat around it well placed.


Vegetables, potatoes and chorizo ​​​​and black pudding are served in another separate bowl.


The two dishes are served at the same time, along with a sauce boat with tomato sauce to accompany them.


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