Tomato Jam Recipe

Although many do not believe it, the tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable. Its versatility and flavor allow us to consume it in many ways, be it in salads, hot dishes, in savory or sweet preparations. Thanks to its delicate and neutral flavor, tomato goes well with practically all kinds of dishes.

And although its use in savory recipes may be more popular, this time we are going to share with you a recipe for tomato jam, perfect for spreading cookies or preparing sweet sandwiches. It is very easy to make and you will surely save the recipe to prepare it again in the future, so stay with this article and discover how to make tomato jam step by step.

Ingredients to make Tomato Jam:

  • 7 vine tomatoes
  • 5 grams of fresh ginger (you can use less)
  • 1 glass of icing sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to make Tomato Jam:

  1. Remove the skin from the tomato. To do it, you can make a cross cut from the base and put it in boiling water.
  2.  This way you will scald yourself and your skin will come off more easily.
  3. Do not have them more than 30 seconds in the water.
  4.  When you remove the skin from all the tomatoes, extract their seeds and cut them into medium pieces.
  5. Grate the piece of ginger and mix it with the tomato and sugar in a saucepan.
  6. Cover it and cook the ingredients for 40 minutes, do not forget to stir from time to time so that the jam forms and the water is lost.
  7. Halfway through cooking, add a pinch of salt. This neutralizes the exact point of acidity that the tomato needs, in addition to enhancing its flavor.
  8. When the tomato jam is ready, you will see that you can not only have it for breakfast, but also for snacks or snacks.
  9. You can spread it on toasted bread or wheat cakes (regañás). To enjoy!
  10. Tip: If you have a larger amount of jam you can store it canned, in several previously sterilized jars.

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