Tomato, cucumber and hake salad recipe

Ingredients to make tomato, cucumber and hake salad:

  • 1 lettuce
  • 1 large or two medium ripe tomato for salad
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 2 hake fillets
  • Virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • 1 garlic

How to make tomato, cucumber and hake salad:

Put the fillets on a plate with oil and salt and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes at maximum temperature. You can also do it in the pan with a little oil. To your liking Reserve and let cool. Clean, cut and wash the lettuce well, leave it in a colander to release the excess water. Wash the tomato and cut it into segments. Peel the cucumber and cut into slices.

Sauce: Chop a piece of tomato with a garlic and season with olive oil and salt. Assemble on each plate put the lettuce on one side, some tomato wedges, in the middle the hake fillet and on the other side the cucumber slices. Put the sauce on top and dress the salad with olive oil and salt. Now it can be served and eaten. I hope you like it.

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