Tomato and Potato Salad Recipe

This tomato and potato-based salad that I share has always been called soaking in my house, and it is a perfect option to have in summer due to the variety of ingredients and because it allows you to prepare it in advance and eat it very fresh. It is also an ideal accompaniment for grilled meat or fish; do not forget to try it!

Ingredients to make Tomato and Potato Salad:

  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 large potato (or two small)
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 handful of pitted olives
  • 1 can of prickly pear in oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 jet of oil
  • 1 pinch of oregano

How to make Tomato and Potato Salad:

Wash the tomatoes, dry them and reserve. Apart, we peel the potato (or the potatoes if they are small or medium), we cut it into small pieces and we put it to cook. We remove when it is done but firm (without it getting undone). Drain and reserve to continue with the preparation of the tomato and potato salad.

Trick: We can make the potato in the microwave to take less time or use roasted potato that we have left over from another preparation.

While the potato is cooking, boil the egg covered with water. When it starts to boil, we hold for 5 minutes, drain the hot water, cover it with cold water and after a few minutes we can peel it. We booked. On the other hand, peel the onion and cut it into small squares or thin strips. We also chop the olives and drain the prickly pear. Now, in a bowl, put the chopped tomato into pieces, add the cooked potato, the chopped onion and olives, the chopped egg and the drained tuna. Dress the tomato and potato salad with olive oil, salt, pepper and a little oregano, mix well, and enjoy! Personally, I like to prepare the salad in advance so that the flavors mix well, that way it also releases a juice that is delicious for toast or for dipping bread soups and accompanying cold meats, we have been doing it since we were little and we love it! Don’t stop trying it!

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