Tomato and avocado tartar recipe

This time, we are going to prepare a tomato and avocado tartar recipe. It is a fresh and tasty appetizer to start any meal. Tartar is a very healthy salad, since we prepare it with fresh vegetables. Its presentation is ideal for a celebration with friends or loved ones. In addition, it is a very simple and quick dish to prepare. In just 15 minutes it will be ready!  You can do it with the ingredients that you like the most, but the combination of tomato and avocado, in addition to being classic, is delicious and looks great!

Ingredients to make Tomato and Avocado Tartar:

  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 spring onion or onion
  • 1 lemon or lime
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 splash of balsamic vinegar

How to make Tomato and Avocado Tartar:

To prepare the tomato and avocado tartar, the first thing we will do is wash the tomato.  Optionally, we can remove the skin. Also remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Then, we peel the avocado, cut it into pieces and do the same with the onion. Pour the lemon juice over the chopped ingredients, especially on top of the avocado so that it does not oxidize. We mix everything in a bowl. In another bowl, add the oil, a little salt and vinegar.  Mix and add a little of this vinaigrette over the tartar, stir it and serve on individual plates, using a round mound. In case you want to dress more, we can serve the dressing that was left over separately. Ready, your tartar will be great!

Avocado and tomato tartar – Suggestions and other recipes

In addition to serving the tomato and avocado tartar as an appetizer, you can also serve it as a side or side dish in main dishes. The ingredients of this salad combine very well with any type of dishes and recipes, so you can give free rein to your imagination.

In those cases, we suggest you serve and make the tartar last, to ensure that it will keep its shape when the dish is ready. If you prefer something simpler, some crackers or some toast spread with the tartar will be excellent.

For now, we have prepared a basic recipe for tomato and avocado tartar, but you can decide to add more ingredients to your dish and give it a different twist. You can, for example, make a tomato, avocado and tuna tartar, as this is an element that goes great with the rest of the tartar components. Other ingredients such as prawns, salmon and cheese are also very appetizing options.

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