Tomatican Recipe

Tomatican Recipe

Tomatican Recipe

The tomaticán is a typical recipe of Chilean gastronomy that is enjoyed especially in summer, since it is the harvest season of the corn (corn / cob) and that is when we can find them more tender, although it can also be prepared with frozen corn and it remains just as rich.

The second main ingredient in this recipe is the tomato, which gives both the name and the beautiful color and texture to this easy tomaticán recipe. Afterwards, the rest of the ingredients are left to the consumer’s taste, in many families they are limited to making it with vegetables to serve it as an accompaniment, but we also have the option of adding black Posta to make it the main element of our dish.

The tomaticán is usually served with boiled potatoes or white rice, to highlight the colors and flavors that this rich preparation offers. Get all the ingredients ready and discover how to make tomaticán , a delicious Chilean dish that you will have ready in less than an hour.

Ingredients to make Tomatican:Tomatican Recipe

  • 1 cup of shelled corn
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 2 sprigs of basil
  • 1 onion
  • 250 grams of black Posta (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 1 cup of broth or white wine (optional)
  • 1 cup of water (240 milliliters)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper

How to make tomato:


To start with this delicious easy tomaticán, prepare the onion, wash it and cut it into a not-so-thin pen.


Cut the tomatoes in half twice and then in 3 parts. If they are small, cut them in half and then in two parts, the idea is that they are not too small.


Add the oil in a pot and fry the onion stirring constantly.


You can make the tomaticán without meat or vegetarian, but if you decide to add the black Posta, add it together with the garlic, salt and pepper to taste and sauté with the onion until it changes color.


Add the tomato, the corn and the seasonings, fry stirring for about 5 minutes and add the water along with the wine or broth, if you prefer replace the latter with more water. Cover the pot and cook gently for 20 minutes or until the tomatoes are almost undone.


When it looks like a stew, remove from the heat; add the basil, stir and let stand covered for 10 minutes. If necessary, adjust the seasoning, add salt and pepper if necessary.


Serve this rich stew with cooked potatoes or rice and enjoy a warm tomato sauce. With what to accompany the Chilean tomaticán

This recipe is quite popular in many regions of Chile, as we mentioned before, it is usually prepared in the summer, and however it is quite tasty to heat up in winter with frozen corn and canned tomatoes, if necessary.

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