Tocopillana cojinova recipe

Ingredients to make cojinova tocopillana:

  • fresh cojinova fillet
  • bacon
  • laurel
  • Pepper
  • fish soup
  • To marinate:
  • white vinegar
  • garlic
  • lemon
  • salted
  • Pepper

How to make tocopillana cojinova:

  1. Cut fresh cojinova fillet, marinate with white vinegar, garlic, lemon, salt and pepper, and keep for 15 minutes.
  2. Apart boil bacon, bay leaf, pepper fish broth when it is boiling remove with a minimum of water liquefy and add a little shrimp, this preparation is like a pate or a foe grass, cut a square piece of aluza foil to make a square On top of this, roll up the cushion and fill with the shrimp pate, add some shrimp on the pate and bake for 5 minutes at 140 degrees, remove and seal until serving, accompany with lettuce and cheese salad.

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