Tlalpeno Broth Recipe

Don’t know what to cook for those cold and rainy seasons? At this article, we have the perfect typical Mexican dish for you when you are going through a situation like this. This time we bring you an exquisite Mexican recipe, an ideal autumn and winter recipe. It is a delicious Mexican tlalpeño broth, which in addition to being super accessible, is very practical and will help you relieve colds. This tlalpeño broth we will prepare it with one of the easiest proteins to obtain in any country or region in which we find ourselves, chicken meat, which in addition to being cheap is very healthy, since it is low in saturated fats. Also to this rich Mexican tlalpeño broth we will add its characteristic spicy touch of Mexican cuisine.

We promise you’ll love it and want to cook it the entire season. We accompany you to prepare this delicious preparation.

Ingredients to make Caldor tlalpeño:

  1. 1 whole chicken breast
  2. 400 grams of Carrot chopped into small cubes
  3. 400 grams of Pumpkin chopped into small cubes
  4. 300 grams of panela cheese in small cubes
  5. 350 grams of red tomato
  6. 1 small can of Chipotle Chile
  7. 1 piece of avocado
  8. 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
  9. 1 piece of onion
  10. ½ clove of Garlic
  11. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Tlalpeno Broth:

  • In the following image we present the ingredients that we will need to prepare this rich tlalpeño broth.
  • We are going to start making this Mexican recipe by cooking the chicken breast. We take a deep saucepan and add enough water to cover the chicken completely, add the piece of onion, garlic and a pinch of salt and let it cook for approximately 40 minutes over medium heat so that the chicken it cooks perfectly inside.
  • After this time and our chicken broth is ready, we remove the chicken breast from its interior, which we let cool and reserve for a moment, we continue to leave the chicken broth cooking over medium heat. On the other hand, we take the raw red tomatoes, place them in the blender and proceed to blend until we obtain a super homogeneous sauce.
  • We take the tomato sauce that we obtained and add it to the chicken broth so that it cooks with a red tomato flavor and we also add the chopped carrot to the broth, now reddish in color, and let it cook for approximately 15 more minutes over medium heat..
  • Trick: We know that the carrot is cooked when it is soft to the touch.
  • Meanwhile, we take the chicken breast that we left reserved and we begin to shred it finely, once the chicken is ready we add it to the tlalpeño broth, where we already have the carrot cooking advanced.
  • Right after the shredded chicken, we also add the pumpkin so that they begin to cook together. In addition, we also add the teaspoon of powdered chicken consommé to give our tlalpeño broth more flavor, stir a little to integrate the ingredients and wait for the pumpkin to cook for approximately 10 minutes.
  • Now to finish flavoring our Mexican tlalpeño broth and to add a spicy touch, we add the chipotle peppers, and integrate perfectly well. Now we just have to wait for the pumpkins to be cooked and that’s it.
  • Finally, to serve our delicious tlalpeño broth, we add the cubes of panela cheese to the very hot broth and a few slices of avocado. This typical Mexican dish is perfect accompanied by some baked tortilla chips or some delicious toast. Bon appetite!

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