Thermomix Recipe: Cockle Soup

Ingredients to make Thermomix: Cockle Soup:

  • 400 g of cockles or clams
  • 100 g of prawns
  • 2 tablets of fish broth
  • A few strands of saffron or food coloring
  • 1 cayenne (optional)
  • Pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 cup chopped parsley leaves
  • 700 g (7 cups) of water
  • For the sauce
  • 70 g (3/4 cup) of oil
  • 1 chorizo ​​pepper
  • 100g red bell pepper
  • 100g green bell pepper
  • 150g onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 ripe red tomatoes
  • or 200 g (2 cups) of crushed tomato

How to make Thermomix: Cockle Soup:

  1. Wash the cockles with water and salt, put them in the basket and reserve.
  2. Make a stock with the heads and skins of the prawns and three cups of the stipulated water (reserve the bodies) and program 4 minutes, temperature 100º, speed 4.
  3. Strain and reserve (wash the glass and lid very well). Pour all the sauce ingredients into the glass and chop for 7 seconds at speed 3 1/2.
  4. Next, program 10 minutes, temperature 100º, speed 5.
  5. Use the spatula to lower the residues that have remained on the walls and add the broth that we had reserved and the rest of the water, until completing the 7 cups.
  6. Blend for 20 seconds at speed 8-9 checking that everything is homogeneous. Add the pills, the saffron and the cayenne and season.
  7. Next, place the basket with the cockles in the glass and the bay leaf.
  8. Program 12 minutes, temperature 100º, speed 4. (The cockle’s shells have to be opened)

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