Thermo mix Recipe: Spaghetti with Light Sauce

Ingredients to make Thermo mix: Spaghetti with Light Sauce:

  • 300 grams of spaghetti
  • 3 golden apples
  • 250 grams of green beans
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • a few sprigs of basil
  • Parsley
  • salted
  • Pepper

How to make Thermo mix: Spaghetti with Light Sauce:

  1. Cook the green beans and then the spaghetti in the same water.
  2. While the apples are peeled and sprinkled with the lemon.
  3. The sauce is made in the Thermo mix by blending the apple, the beans, the oil, the basil, the parsley and the lemon juice. It is seasoned to taste.
  4. Spaghetti is served with green sauce.

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