Thermo Mix Recipe: Bombs

Ingredients to make Thermo mix: Bombs:

  • 250 g minced beef
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • a few sprigs of parsley
  • 3 or 4 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 liter of water
  • 100g of butter
  • 300g mashed potatoes
  • ground black pepper
  • flour
  • egg white
  • bread crumbs

How to make Thermo mix: Bombs:

  • Put the oil, the garlic cloves and the parsley in the glass and chop for 10 seconds at speed 3 and ½.
  • 2 Clean the walls of the glass with the spatula, and repeat the operation so that it is finely chopped.
  • 3 Add the minced meat and program 12 minutes, temperature 100, speed 1.
  • 4 After this time, and without removing the meat from the glass, put the butterfly on the blades and add the liter of water, the butter in small pieces, and a teaspoon of salt and ground pepper (approximately ½ level teaspoon of coffee).
  • 5 Program 15 minutes, temperature 100, speed 1.
  • 6 When it starts to boil, add the mashed potato flakes through the mouth without stopping the machine.
  • 7 When it is well incorporated, program 20 seconds at speed 3.
  • 8 Remove the dough from the glass and let cool.
  • 9 Form the balls, pass through flour, egg white and breadcrumbs and fry.
  • 10 By passing the bombs only through the egg white (and not through the whole egg), we will ensure that the batter does not burn when frying.

The bombs are served with garlic mayonnaise.

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