
Ingredients to make Tescalate:

  1. 3 pieces of Corn Tortilla
  2. 2 tablespoons of Cocoa powder
  3. 1 cup of Milk (240 milliliters)
  4. 1½ teaspoons of Pine Nuts
  5. ½ teaspoon Cinnamon
  6. ½ teaspoon of Annatto
  7. 1 tablespoon of Sugar
  8. 1 cup of ice

How to make Tescalate:

  • You will see that preparing this Mexican drink is very easy, the first thing you have to do is lightly toast the pine nuts in a pan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Once toasted, reserve.
  • In a griddle or skillet, toast the corn tortillas over medium heat so that they brown evenly. Let them cool a bit, crush them and reserve.
  • Blend the tortilla together with the cocoa, milk, pine nuts, cinnamon, achieve and the tablespoon of sugar. You can taste the mixture and add the sugar little by little to sweeten to taste.
  • Tip: If you prefer, you can use stevia or honey instead of sugar. You can also use water instead of milk and the result will be just as good.
  • Let the escalate rest for a few hours in the refrigerator. Serve in glasses with ice and enjoy it very cold in the company of some delicious walnut kisses.

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