Telepizza pizza dough recipe

On this occasion, we are going to prepare a delicious recipe for Telepizza pizza dough. Pizza dough is easy to make, but like everything else, it has its tricks to make it look good on us. The famous Telepizzas pizzas are well known for their rich and crunchy dough, but at home we can also make them very similar.

Depending on how you like it best, you can make the dough thin by rolling it out very well, or leave it a little thicker to make it thicker and fluffier, perfect for making thick edges. With the amount of homemade pizza dough that we prepare, you will get two pizzas, so if you only want to make one you can store the rest in the fridge wrapped in plastic wrap for a couple of days, or freeze it. Discover how to make Telepizza pizza dough and fill it as you like.

Ingredients to make Telepizza pizza dough:

  • 400 grams of strength or normal flour
  • 50 grams of white or yellow cornmeal
  • 50 grams of olive oil
  • 8 grams of salt
  • 7 grams of dry yeast
  • 250 milliliters of lukewarm water

How to make Telepizza pizza dough:

  1. Put the flour and cornmealin a bowl.
  2. Make a hole in the middle of the flour, add part of the water and add the yeast.
  3. Stir and leave 5 minutesfor the yeast to act.
  4. After this time, you will see that some bubbles are made by the yeast.
  5. Add the olive oil, the remaining water and put the salt on one side of the flour.
  6. Start stirring and kneading from the inside out.
  7. As you go around the dough, take flour, and continue like this until everything is mixed.
  8. Take the dough to the counter and keep kneading, put a little flour on the table.
  9. When it is well mixed, form a ball; put it in the same bowl where you had the dough. Put a little oil around the bowl so it doesn’t stick. Cover with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Let the dough rest for an hour.
  10. After an hour the Telepizza-style pizza dough will have doubled its volume.
  11. Cut in half. Take a part and stretch it with the help of a roller.
  12. Go shaping the homemade pizza and, once well stretched with your fingers, mold it around to make a little edge.
  13. Once you have your easy pizza dough, transfer it to a baking dish and fill it as you like.
  14. In our case, we have put some tomato, cheese, mushrooms and bacon. Of course, the tomato sauce for pizza cannot be missing.
  15. Put it in the oven in the center with heat up and down at 200 ºC.
  16. When it is golden, take out your Telepizza type pizza and serve it. Enjoy!

Telepizza Pizza – Suggestions and recipes

For the Telepizza pizza dough to turn out well, you have to be very careful with the yeast, as it can ruin the dough. So that the recipe does not fail, the first thing that you must take into account is that it must be in good condition, since fresh yeast spoils in a few days.

The second thing is that you should not put the salt together with the yeast, as they are enemies and will prevent the dough from rising correctly if they come into contact. Put the salt on one side of the flour and when you mix, it will gradually integrate.

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