Tamarind Michelada

Ingredients to make Tamarind Michelada:

  1. 1 bottle of chamoy sauce
  2. 1 bottle of Chile piquín
  3. 1 liter of beer
  4. 1 pinch of salt
  5. 1 bottle of Tamarind Refreshment
  6. 2 pieces of Lemon
  7. 1 package of gummy enchiladas

How to make Tamarind Michelada:

  • Moisten the edges of a glass or beer mug with lemon juice.
  • Later, frost the glass, that is, we pour a little piquín chile on a plate to stick it to the edges of the previously moistened glass.
  • Fill half the glass with tamarind soda and mix gently with the liquid chamoy, piquín pepper to taste, lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
  • Finally the beer is poured. Decorate the tamarind michelada with gummy enchiladas and enjoy in the company of your friends in this hot season.

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