Tagarnina stew recipe

Tagarnina stew recipe

Tagarnina stew recipe

What a delight to be able to eat from time to time a spoon dish, as healthy and complete as the one that we are going to show next. It is highly recommended to add vegetables to our diet daily, in addition to legumes and a little protein. Almost without realizing it, we are perfectly describing our tagarnina stew dish, making it a perfect option to provide our body with all the nutrients it needs.

There are many ways to make this traditional Andalusia dish, with beans, chickpeas, chorizo, paring… We have opted to use chickpeas, but the recipe is the same for any other type of legume. For this reason, we encourage you to discover how to make tagarninas stew with chickpeas to try this delicious dish.

Ingredients to make Potage de tagarninas:Tagarnina stew recipe

  • 250 grams of canned or fresh tagarnina
  • 300 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 1 piece of black pudding and smoked chorizo
  • 2 slices of village bread
  • 3 pinches of cumin, sweet paprika and salt
  • 1 piece of sweet onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 1 piece of large sweet potato or potato
  • 1 splash of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 glasses of water

How to make Potage de tagarninas:


Peel and cut the onion into not very small squares and do the same with the sweet potato or potato, but with a slightly larger size. Also cut the blood sausage and chorizo ​​into wide pieces. Separately, drain the chickpeas and tagarninas and reserve these ingredients in a bowl.


On the other hand, pour oil into the pan and, when it is steaming, fry two slices of bread until they are well browned and crispy. One of them will be for decoration and the other for the mashed, so be careful that they don’t burn. Take advantage when you take out the golden bread to also fry the whole cloves of garlic.


When the garlic is golden, remove it and add the black pudding and chorizo. Fry these ingredients for one minute, no more. You will see that they release a delicious little juice that, together with the rest of the ingredients, will make this stew of tagarninas a luxury for the palate. That said, take out the black pudding and the snout once the minute has passed and continue with the next step.


Sauté the sweet potato and onion in the blood sausage and chorizo ​​juice for 3 minutes. Stir constantly and keep the heat low so they don’t burn as we just want them to be tender without overcooking.


Meanwhile, make a mash with one of the slices of bread and the garlic. To do this, crush these ingredients in the mortar and add the dash of vinegar and a pinch of salt. It will make a paste that you must set aside and then add it to the pan. This mash will provide the tagarninas stew with both flavor and thickness.


Add the tagarninas to the casserole, the paprika and the cumin and continue frying the preparation over low heat. Next, you can add the rest of the previously fried ingredients, that is, the black pudding, the chorizo ​​and the mashed bread and garlic, and stir to mix everything together.


Pour the two glasses of water to form a broth and, finally, as soon as it starts to boil, add the cooked chickpeas, cover the pan and cook the tagarnina stew over low heat for 10 minutes.


Serve the freshly made stew accompanied by the slice of toasted bread that you reserved. You can savor the broth with this bread and accompany the black pudding and chorizo ​​if you wish. Likewise, you can prepare some boiled white rice. As you can see, the tagarninas stew recipe is easy and allows us to enjoy a truly spectacular stew, full of tradition and lots of flavor.

Potage de tagarninas – Nutritional value

The tagarninas are not well known in many areas of Spain, but they are gaining ground and spreading their special recognition in different Andalusia provinces and the rest of Spanish cities. At the same time, we are documenting ourselves and we have discovered that they are being planted on private land for reproduction and sale, like many vegetables that are usually recognized. For this reason, today we can already find them in some large surfaces, preserved naturally in glass jars already boiled and cleaned.

Wild tagarninas have a branching appearance like a spider covered with serrated leaves. The flavor that differs is comparable to that of wild asparagus but much milder, thus being a delicatessen with which we can prepare multiple unquestionably delicious dishes, such as a tagarnina omelet.

Regarding the nutritional value of tagarninas stew, this dish enjoys the properties of this plant, such as its diuretic and antioxidant power or its richness in vitamins such as A and B. Likewise, it offers us proteins, carbohydrates and minerals . It is true that both black pudding and chorizo ​​are fatty and high-calorie foods, so to make the stew of tagarninas without fat they can be substituted with chicken meat, for example. In this way, the stew will be lighter and will continue to maintain the protein content.

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