Quinoa stuffed zucchini recipe

Quinoa stuffed zucchini recipe

Do you want to prepare a zucchini stuffed with quinoa and don’t know how? Well, stop looking because we offer you this super simple and practical recipe for zucchini stuffed with quinoa and vegetables. Also, instead of these ingredients you can choose others to prepare these vegetarian stuffed zucchini because quinoa combines with many foods. Try this delicious zucchini dish stuffed with vegetables and…

Zucchini and cilantro arepas recipe

Zucchini and cilantro arepas recipe

Although the arepa is a typical dish from certain places in the Caribbean, today, its fame is worldwide. There are many versions and fillings, but the zucchini and cilantro arepa is a delicious fitness alternative. This time, interested in your health and fitness, we share this incredible culinary invention in case you don’t know how to make vegetable arepas. We promise…