Whole Grain Seed Bars Recipe

Whole Grain Seed Bars Recipe

Both to accompany breakfast, to fill us up between meals and snack between meals, or to serve together with pâtés, these whole grain bars with seeds that we present are perfect! And what’s more, since they’re made from whole wheat flour and seeds, you can enjoy these whole wheat crackers with no regrets. Take a look at this healthy whole grain seed bars recipe and…

Whole wheat spelled pizza recipe with ham, mushrooms and onion

Whole wheat spelled pizza recipe with ham, mushrooms and onion

To make a delicious whole meal spelled pizza to your liking, you don’t have to complicate your life since you can perfectly buy the already made whole meal spelled pizza base or make it at home manually if you prefer. In this case, I have used an already purchased base to make this whole meal spelled pizza with ham, mushrooms…