Types of arepas

Types of arepas

The arepa is a round bread of indigenous origin typical of America.S Recently, this food has become very popular around the world due to the emigration of Venezuelans and many people think that it is possibly here to stay, just as other international foods did at the time. However, although at present the arepa that…

Types of tamales

Types of tamales

Tamales are a Latin American dish of indigenous origin that combines cooking with grape leaves, bananas, corn, among other ingredients. So also with a delicious filling made with cereals, vegetables, fruits and/or meats. In Mexico they are the protagonists of the festivity celebrated every February 2, the Day of the Candelaria. During that day, images of the Child Jesus…

Types of Posole

Types of Posole

Pozole is one of the most representative dishes of Mexican food, and not only because of its exquisite flavor, but also because of its past full of exciting stories and legends. This type of food is usually reserved for major festivities and relevant social events, although there are also those who include it in their daily…

Types of beans – Names, characteristics and recipes

Types of beans – Names, characteristics and recipes

Don’t miss beans on the table! Yes, since they represent healthy and creative gastronomy, they recover and maintain the soil for agriculture (according to FAO) and reduce the environmental impact caused by livestock. In addition, growing them is easy and cheap, they provide an alternative to those who do not consume meat, they benefit your body, and…

Phytonutrients – What they are, types and what they are for

Phytonutrients – What they are, types and what they are for

Did you know that a colorful plate indicates a balanced meal? Yes, and many of those substances are phytonutrients. In this sense, the traditional concept of the daily diet has changed a lot over time and, today, apart from essential nutrients, it is essential to include these compounds. Despite all this, it is also important to consider that…

Types of rice

Types of rice

Rice is one of the three most consumed cereals in the world, the other two being corn and wheat. Its cultivation began in China during the year 5000 BC, then it spread throughout Asia and during the year 800 BC it reached Europe, its starting point for the rest of the planet. There are more than 10,000…