Oat Truffles Recipe

Oat Truffles Recipe

The body is greatly benefited if you decide to include cereals such as oatmeal in your daily diet. Among all cereals, oatmeal is the one that contains the most vitamins and minerals, among which you can find zinc, calcium, selenium, magnesium, and iron, among others. It also contains a considerable amount of soluble and insoluble fiber and…

Chocolate and cream truffles recipe

Chocolate and cream truffles recipe

Preparing cream and chocolate truffles at home is very easy and fast. In addition, it is a pleasure to make these homemade delicacies and surprise family and friends. And it is that although we can prepare chocolate and cream truffles for any occasion, they are ideal for special parties or anniversaries. With few ingredients we can have these sweets…

Chocolate Truffles Recipe for Kids – Halloween Desserts

Chocolate Truffles Recipe for Kids – Halloween Desserts

Chocolate is a delicacy for everyone and it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t enjoy eating it. All year round, children’s chocolate desserts are a hit, but at Halloween and Christmas they are glorious. And the fact is that the chocolate candies are very varied: chocolates, cakes, candies, ice creams, puddings, cookies, cakes and…, truffles! For truffle lovers,…