Sour Tamales Recipe

Sour Tamales Recipe

  The tamale is a typical Mexican dish that is an important part of the country’s diet and customs. The typical tamales are made of corn dough and wrapped in corn husks; they can have sauce, meat, chicken, or as is the case with sour tamales that are filled with refried beans with cheese and whose dough is left to ferment…

Canarian Tamales Recipe

Canarian Tamales Recipe

Canarian tamales are small sweet pale yellow tamales made with rice flour and filled with raisins, walnuts and pineapple. In other regions of the country you can find similar tamales with the name of “rice tamales “. Do not stay with the desire to try these sweet Mexican tamales and see the step by step Ingredients to make Canarian Tamales: 250 grams…