Ash Tamales Recipe

Ash Tamales Recipe

Learn how to prepare some delicious ash tamales or corundas, as they are also known. This delicious dish has its origin in the state of Michoacán, Mexico, although it is also prepared in other states such as Durango, Colima and Jalisco. Its main ingredient is nixtamalized corn and, as its name indicates, it is cooked…

Types of tamales

Types of tamales

Tamales are a Latin American dish of indigenous origin that combines cooking with grape leaves, bananas, corn, among other ingredients. So also with a delicious filling made with cereals, vegetables, fruits and/or meats. In Mexico they are the protagonists of the festivity celebrated every February 2, the Day of the Candelaria. During that day, images of the Child Jesus…

Bean Tamales Recipe

Bean Tamales Recipe

Bean tamales are very popular in Mexico, and depending on the region where they are prepared, various ingredients and fillings are used. This recipe that we provide you is very economical and profitable, in addition, tamales are very versatile, since they have multiple ways of cooking them. On this occasion, we brings you a recipe…