Snail Stew Recipe

Snail Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make snail stew: Snails (at discretion) 1 bunch of fennel 1 onion 1-2 cloves of garlic 1 teaspoon cumin 1 pepper Salt gofer 1 glass of white rum How to make snail stew: Pour the snails into hot water and bring to a boil, leave over medium heat for about 50-60 minutes. Enough…

Oleo stew recipe

Oleo stew recipe

Oleo stew is one of the most traditional recipes of Amara gastronomy, with products from the land and lots of flavor, we give you the keys to learn how to prepare it and enjoy this spectacular dish, keep reading! Ingredients to make Potage de olio: ½ kilogram of Oleo chopped ½ kilogram of chopped potatoes 12 pinches…