Spanish Potato Recipe

Spanish Potato Recipe

If you want to prepare a delicious side dish without many complications, we recommend you make this recipe for Spanish potatoes. And, although fried sliced ​​potatoes are also called that, the original recipe for Spanish potatoes consists of cooking them in the oven. You should simply add a little salt, freshly ground black pepper and…

Spanish Potato Recipe

Spanish Potato Recipe

If you want to prepare a delicious side dish without many complications, we recommend you make this recipe for Spanish potatoes. And, although fried sliced ​​potatoes are also called that, the original recipe for Spanish potatoes consists of cooking them in the oven. You should simply add a little salt, freshly ground black pepper and…

Spanish summer meals

Spanish summer meals

Spain is among the 10 best gastronomic destinations in the world, according to National Geographic, and it is very reasonable considering that its cuisine is of international stature.  In this country we find traditional recipes for any season of the year, however, in this article we will focus on talking about the best Spanish summer…