Marine Soup Recipe

Marine Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make sea soup: 1 kilo fish (only spines, heads) 2 handfuls of washed rice 4 garlic cloves, crushed with half an onion, minced 2 tablespoons of cornstarch 1 cup of yuyo, algae or ground mococho 4 mixed eggs 1 jar of evaporated milk 200 grams prawns or shrimp 8 pieces of fish (pulp) seasoned…

Machas Soup Recipe

Machas Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make Machas Soup: 125 gr tongue stains 1/2 unit(s) onion(s) cut pen 1/2 beer bottle 1 tablespoon(s) oil 1/2 tablespoon(s) colored pepper 1 1/2 tablespoon(s) chopped parsley to taste pepper salt to taste 1/2 cup(s) fried breadcrumbs How to make Machas Soup: Hit the tongues of machas with the handle of a knife. Wash…

Rioja Soup Recipe

Rioja Soup Recipe

Do not forget to try this tasty Rioja soup that is easy and quick to make, explained step by step in detail that we share. It is a very strong and nutritious typical dish from La Rioja that will comfort you whenever you need it like a good spoon dish that it is. You fancy? Well, look how…