Chicken Contre Soup Recipe

Chicken Contre Soup Recipe

Mikal Scarlett shares a hot dish, ideal to combat cold days. It is a delicious chicken contre soup, made with carrot, onion and potato, among other ingredients detailed below. Contre soup is of Chilean origin, although the easy accessibility of its ingredients makes it a dish within the reach of practically all countries. Homemade broths, regardless of their…

Broad bean soup recipe

Broad bean soup recipe

Learn to prepare one of the simplest soups that exist, but do not get carried away by its simplicity, since it has an exquisite and comforting flavor. We are talking about the fresh broad bean soup, an alternative to the traditional broad bean soup that is made with dried broad beans. This rich legume is commonly consumed…

Rice Soup Recipe

Rice Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make rice soup: 2 cubes of meat broth 8 cups of water 100 grams of minced ham 4 tablespoons of rice 2 medium white potatoes, peeled and chopped 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley How to make rice soup: Heat the water with the broth Add the washed rice, potatoes, ham. Boil until cooked, and…